The world already knows Meg and Charles Wallace Murry, Calvin O’Keefe, and the three Mrs―Who, Whatsit, and Which―the memorable and wonderful characters who fight off a dark force and save our universe in the Newbery Award–winning classic A Wrinkle in Time. But in 50 years of publication, the book has never been illustrated. Now, Hope Larson takes the classic story to a new level with her vividly imagined interpretations of tessering and favorite characters, like the Happy Medium and Aunt Beast. Perfect for delighting old fans and winning over new ones, this graphic novel adaptation is a must-read.
SO, if you look at my Book Request Form on this blog I state “I DO NOT like Science Fiction at all!” – I might have to take that statement back. I LOVE THIS BOOK. The reason why, I wanted to read this book is because it was mentioned in another book I recently read When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead and I LOVED that book as well. This book airs on the edge of Science Fiction/Fantasy. I decided to read the adapted version by Hope Larson since she created a beautiful graphic novel around the original classic book which I have not read but just might.
Here’s a list of reasons why I truly loved this book:
- I adore the main character Meg. I totally relate to her because she doesn’t want to be different but she doesn’t want to be like everyone else. This is totally me, I don’t want to be different but I don’t want to be like anyone else. I totally get it! I want to be unique but I also want that balance where I’m still able to fit in with my friends. “Maybe I don’t like being different, but I don’t want to be like everybody else either.”
- The friendships in this book is what I strive to have in my life. The authors did a beautiful job portraying this.
- I love the illustrations but have gone back and forth on whether or not I would like it more if it had more colors. In spite of the colors, the drawings are amazing.
- I felt like that there was a lot going at one time but I loved that about this book. (Definitely an adrenaline high!)
Overall, I LOVE this book. It has pushed me out of my comfort zone of what I normally read and has opened my eyes to the fact that I may like some Sci-Fi genres. I think in the future I will read the classic book. Sci-Fi/fantasy lovers and graphic novel junkies this book is for you!
Happy Reading!