No school today… So, I’m reading! 🤓 I love days where I can sit for a good amount of time and read.
I’m currently reading Bad Girls Throughout History by Ann Shen. (I asked for this book for Christmas and got it!) What I like about it is that every turn of the page I learn about another fabulous woman who has helped change the world. I love the format of the book. It’s in chronological order by time period which I found quite helpful. The illustrations are beautiful. The short story snippets about each woman intrigues me enough to do more research on some of the women that I don’t know too much about.
I think this is the right book to read for this moment in time. I think that women should look back to those women who were brave enough to help pave the way for us to have some of the rights we currently have today. They overcame barriers during their time and it’s always important to know and understand our history of how things were and how they have changed. Honestly, I highly recommend this book! LOVE IT!
Aphra Behn, first female professional writer. Sojourner Truth, activist and abolitionist. Ada Lovelace, first computer programmer. Marie Curie, first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Joan Jett, godmother of punk. The 100 revolutionary women highlighted in this gorgeously illustrated book were bad in the best sense of the word: they challenged the status quo and changed the rules for all who followed. From pirates to artists, warriors, daredevils, scientists, activists, and spies, the accomplishments of these incredible women vary as much as the eras and places in which they effected change. Featuring bold watercolor portraits and illuminating essays by Ann Shen, Bad Girls Throughout History is a distinctive, gift-worthy tribute.
Girl Power 👊🏼
~Read this book! This a great book to read especially since it’s Women’s History Month.
*Click top book cover for Amazon purchase link. Please note that if you are a Prime Member you can currently read the ebook version for free. Not sure if or when this will change. Sharing is definitely caring…Happy Reading!