Welcome to the 4th edition to Love Natalyn’s Fashion Friday! This week, I chose to feature one of my fun summer little black dresses (aka party dresses). To me, even if it’s summer time you should still have a little black dress in your closet to whip out when you have to go out and celebrate with friends. This week, I had a dinner to attend and it was nice to be able to have a go to dress. Word of advice always have a few (not just one) little black dresses in your closet for special occasions!
This confetti little black dress is by Jessica Simpson. I love the colors in this dress. It definitely gives this dress life. I’m a huge Jessica Simpson fan! It started a couple of years ago when I got a pair of jeans by her and since then she’s become a constant staple in my wardrobe. Her clothing and shoes are extremely stylish and are pure quality.
Dress by Jessica Simpson
😂Photo Bloppers!😆
Ok so, today we got some very interesting photos of when my dad was photographing me. My mom came outside to see if he was ACTUALLY photographing me, but he got side tracked… (as usual)😳. He got so side track that one of the pictures that you are about to see isn’t even of me. Take a look…
This is my face when I’m planning something evil….
My dad kept telling me to spin. So I did.
At this point, I got so dizzy from spinning that I couldn’t contain my laughter!!!
Every time I have a photo shoot, I ALWAYS jump. It’s just fun!
This was when my dad got sidetrack and decided that taking a picture of a bunny that he found was more interesting than taking pictures of me for Fashion Friday. As Stephanie from Full House would say, “How rude!” 😂
Happy Fashion Friday!