Summer break is quickly approaching (yep, I’m still in school until June 21st), so it’s time to start on a new summer project! My summer project last year was trying out healthy foods and how to make healthier choices. This year, I’ve decided to dedicate my time to on learning more about box subscriptions. I love trying out cool things! If you know me, you would know that I do a lot of reviews on books that I’ve read, but I want to switch gears a little bit. No, I’m not getting rid of book reviews but adding more product reviews.
I personally love watching unboxings videos, whether on YouTube or on Instagram. The excitement of watching someone opening a box full of surprises is magical to me. It’s really the little things in life (am I right?!). I can’t wait to experience my own magical unboxing surprises! It’s not just about the unboxing and seeing the prizes inside but learning more about the products and the companies that are passionate about their products.
While doing my research on companies, that do box subscriptions, I have learned why they have started their company, why their followers love them, and more about the products themselves. Some companies have started positive movements that I’ve decided that I want to participate in and be more involved with. I have learned a lot from the companies and I want to share my findings!
Subscription boxes are fun and can introduce you to some small companies that you may have never heard of or certain products that you may not have ever seen before! I have a subscription with Birchbox (a makeup/beauty box) and I have been with them for almost 3 years. They have, somewhat, inspired this project. If you follow me on Instagram you know that I get excited when I get their box every month. I love makeup and they always introduced me to cool makeup/beauty products that I haven’t heard of before or I have and have been dying to try it. It has been fun! If I really like a product I look up the product online and I learn more about the company, the reason why they started the company, and their mission. I have found some of their missions to be so inspiring. While unboxing is fun and I can’t wait to try their products out, I’m also going to be digging deeper and finding out more about the companies. The reason for this, I’m genuinely interested to learn their mission and learn more about the causes that they contribute to. Sometimes, when you pay for a subscription box, the funds can go to a cause that you care about and want to support. It’s like indirectly donating to a charity that can help the homeless, or clean the oceans, etc. Please Note: not all box subscriptions support causes or charities but sometimes their stories are just as inspiring!
Here’s what my Unboxing Blog Review Posts will include:
- Company Review
- Products
- Unboxing videos (both on Instagram and Youtube so make sure to subscribe and follow me!)
I can’t wait to dive into this world of subscription boxes (#natsunboxing) and see what’s in store for me!
(Here’s a sneak peek into one of the first subscription box I will review! Stay tuned…)
I hope you all enjoy this journey with me. Please let me know your thoughts, praises and even your possible dislikes (please don’t be rude) along the way!
Posts apart of this project: (Stay tuned for updates!)