It has been extremely stressful at school lately! In my English class, we’ve been working on a huge project called the Wax Museum. What we had to do was pick a person (a celebrity, author, sports player etc.) and write a five paragraph speech about how the person we chose represents freedom. Then, you would memorize your speech, dress up, and then present it to the class. After everyone was done presenting their speech individually to the class, we had the official Wax Museum where we all dressed up and presented our speech to another 8th grade English class. Presenting my speech to the class was the most stressful thing I’ve ever had to do. It was nerve-racking at first, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I felt so good after presenting my speech perfectly to the class. The weight of the world has lifted off of my shoulders and it was the best feeling.
Anyways, my freedom fighter was Oprah Winfrey. I picked her because I knew she was rich and successful but I didn’t know why. So, I did my research on her and learned so much about her that I didn’t know. As I was writing my speech I was memorizing it at the same time so memorizing my speech wasn’t an issue for me.
Here is my speech:
“Education is the way to move mountains, build bridges, to change the world. Education is the path to the future. I believe education is indeed freedom.”
My name is Oprah Winfrey and I believe that education and knowledge for all is key to success. You may know me as one of the richest African American women in the world, but I’m more than just that and it took a lot to get to where I am today. My talk show called the Oprah Winfrey show was made to teach others the importance of knowledge and even racial equality.
I was born on a small farm in Mississippi. My mother went to find a securing job in Wisconsin and left me with my grandmother. My grandmother taught me how to read and write at the age of three. Because of my head start in my education I skipped two grades in elementary school. In High school, when segregation was still a thing, I was transferred to an all-white school to better my education based on my teacher’s recommendation. When I lived with my dad, he was strict when it came to my education, so every day I had to learn five new vocabulary words or else I wouldn’t get dinner. From then on, I learned the importance of learning and I even developed a love for it.
I want everyone to have access to a good education and love learning just as much as I do. I’ve donated money to 29 different charities. One of my major achievements was helping to build a school in South Africa for young girls. I have also donated to a charity called Free the Children to build more schools in other developing countries.
Fulfilling the lives of others fulfills my life. Everyone should have an equal chance of a good education. Everyone should have an equal chance of being successful. You get an education! You get an education! You get an education! Everyone gets an education!
Here is a picture of my Tri-fold:
Chelsy Waters says
Thank you for posting this! You did an amazing job! I was online looking for my 7th grade daughter ideas for her wax museum trifold project & you helped us get a better idea! Thank you for your help!
Many Blessings,
Chelsy & Layni
Chelsy Waters says
I did not mean to misspell your name Natalyn! I got in to big of a hurry!
Fabulous job!!!!!!!
Love, Natalyn says
Omg I’m so glad I could help! I know that your daughter will do an awesome job on her project! I would love to hear an update on how it goes! Thank you so much! ❤️