On Saturday, March 24th there were hundreds of thousands of people marching in Washington D.C. (and other cities around the U.S.) to protest against gun violence. Even though, I couldn’t go to the march yesterday, I was there with them in spirit. I’m very proud of all of the students who were able to be there in person. I totally understand and agree with every single protester that was there demanding change.
I can’t personally relate to the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) high school shooting or other students who have had a shooting at there school, because I have not been through what they have, but it can happen to anyone at anytime, and anywhere. On March 14th, my school marched to protest against gun violence. On some levels, during our mini march, I was a little disappointed because we were supposed to be silent for 17 minutes, but we were only truly silent for about 3 seconds. But, at least we got to march in the first place to show our support.
I’m very invested in this movement. I will support each and every one of the protesters who demand a change. It’s not just about keeping guns out of schools, it’s also about gun violence as a whole, which has been an on going issue that we can’t ignore anymore.
The student organizers want action to be taken on gun control. They want background checks, an increased age limit for gun purchases from 18 to 21, and a ban on assault-style weapons. And, I agree. I would love to go to school, knowing that I’m safe. I’m sure everyone would want to go to school feeling safe as well.
According to the Election Project, people who are 18 to 29 years old have the lowest voter turn out rate. In order for things to change, people need to vote. People need to vote for leaders who are on our side with gun control. I wish, I could vote because honestly…“Enough is Enough”
Picture above is from CNN’s Articles: https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/25/opinions/passing-the-baton-to-student-protesters-opinion-kayyem/index.html
YES YES YES YES AND MORE YES. Honestly when I saw this title I kind of thought you would say something bad about it haha but you didn’t so all is good!
Hahaha! My title probably threw you off. But, I ABSOLUTELY agree that there needs to be a change! Proud of these teens who started this march. Very courageous!