Who says candy can’t be somewhat healthy?! If you are trying to eat heathy, and that one sweet tooth is getting to you, I would suggest trying Wholesome’s candy selection! When I went to Whole Foods, I noticed these Surf sweets ranging from organic jelly beans to organic watermelon rings. However, the jellybeans and the gummy worms caught my eye. I also couldn’t help to notice that 1: They are made with organic fruit juice, 2: They have no artificial colors (flavored naturally) and 3: All of their candy are made in nut free facilities!!!
I’m really big on products being made in nut free facilities because I have a peanut and almond allergy so for me, it’s really helpful to know that no nuts were processed on the same equipment.
Surf Sweets Organic Jelly Beans Review:
I really loved the organic jelly beans! They were super fruity and chewy in a wonderful way. My sweet tooth couldn’t get enough of it! I really liked how the Jelly beans didn’t get stuck in your teeth and each jelly bean had a different twist to it in a good way! I loved the variety of flavors there were. They also weren’t like original flavors either (such as lemon, cherry, lime, orange, etc.). My favorite flavor was the grapefruit one. Those were delicious!
Surf Sweets Organic Gummy Worms Review:
Honestly, who doesn’t have fun eating gummy worms?! I Know that sounds weird, but they were so fun to eat! These were super sweet, chewy, and it hit my sweet tooth in all the right places! The only thing that I think could be improved is that I wish there were more gummy worms in the package because after eating only about 4 gummy worms I realized that the bag was empty. I think these gummy worms are perfect, the only thing I would change is the amount that come in a package.
I LOVED these (somewhat) healthy sweets and when I get the chance, I am definitely going to try some of their other candy!
* This is part of my Summer Project, please check it out here.
I LOVE these jelly beans – the taste is so good!
Yes, hands down they are the best. Nice, soft, and fruity.