Before Thanksgiving break, I was officially inducted in my school’s National Honor Society! The ceremony was very nice. Even before I was inducted I started some of the volunteer sign-ups that was available at the time. By the time I graduate I am supposed to have 22 total credits at least. You earn the credits by participating in service activities/projects. So far I have about 15 credits which I think Is pretty good considering I still have 5 months to reach my goal. The first activity I did was sandwich making and putting 50 lunches together for Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. It was fun being able to do it with a group of people, especially knowing some of them from my grade. It was also easy for me because before school started, over the summer, I did the exact same service project for Grassroots on my own. I also earned a credit for donating a pound of ham for another group to make the sandwiches for Grassroots as well. I also participated in the Toy drive! The toys were donated to kids in Baltimore. Two toys were worth one credit and a toy the size of a soccer ball was worth one credit. So, I ended up buying and donating 15 toys for a total of 8 credits. This upcoming new year, I am going to obviously continue to participate in service activities and projects in and out for school which is always fun and excited. I will make a separate blog post on that effort soon! Anyways, the induction ceremony was very cohesive and well put together and I am so excited to finally be apart of such a high honor at my school. It was great that my family was there to support me as I walked across the stage to receive my certificate. Even my boyfriend, Brendon, came nicely dressed! I am so excited to be able to continue to volunteer with peers at school and on my own outside of school too.
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